This list includes imagery that’s available in our archive of species photographed in the Puget Sound watershed and beyond.
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All species photographed wild, unless noted otherwise.
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Birds of Prey (Falconiformes)
Cranes + Coots + Rails (Gruiformes)
Coots — American Coot
Cranes — Sandhill Crane
Gamebirds (Galliformes) — Sooty Grouse / Wild Turkey
Grebes (Podicipediormes) — Eared Grebe / Horned Grebe / Pied-Billed Grebe / Red-Necked Grebe / Western Grebe
Herons + Egrets + Bitterns (Ardeidae)
Egrets — Great Egret
Herons — Black-Crowned Night-Heron / Great Blue Heron / Green Heron
Hummingbirds + Swifts (Apodiformes)
Hummingbirds — Anna's Hummingbird / Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Kingfishers (Coraciiformes) — Belted Kingfisher
Loons (Gaviiformes) — Common Loon / Pacific Loon / Red-Throated Loon
Owls (Strigiormes) — Barred Owl / Great Gray Owl / Northern Hawk Owl / Short-Eared Owl / Snowy Owl
Pelicans — American White Pelican / Brown Pelican
Perching Birds (Passeriformes) — Blackbird, Red-Winged / Bushtit / Cardinal, Northern / Chickadee, Black-Capped / Crow, American / Finch, House / Goldfinch / Grackle, Common / Gray Jay / Kingbird, Eastern / Meadowlark, Western / Northern Flicker / Northern Shrike / Pigeon, Band-Tailed / Redpoll, Common / Robin / Sparrow, Song / Swallow, Tree / Thrush, Varied / Waxwing, Cedar / Wren, Marsh
Shorebirds (Charadriiformes) — Auklet, Rhinoceros / Avocet, American / Dowitcher, Long-Billed / Dunlin / Godwit, Marbled / Gull, Bonaparte’s / Gull, Mew / Gull, Franklin’s / Gull, Ring-Billed / Gulls, Various / Killdeer / Oyster Catcher / Phalarope, Wilson’s / Pigeon Guillemot / Puffin, Tufted / Stilt, Black-Necked / Tern, Black / Tern, Caspien / Turnstone, Black / Yellowlegs, Greater
Cormorants + Shags (Phalacrocoracidae) — Brandt’s Cormorant / Double-Crested Cormorant / Pelagic Cormorant
Ducks — Bufflehead / Canvasback / Gadwall / Goldeneye, Barrow’s / Goldeneye, Common / Mallard / Merganser, Common / Merganser, Hooded / Merganser, Red-Breasted / Northern Pintail / Northern Shoveler / Redhead / Ring-Necked Duck / Ruddy Duck / Scaup, Greater / Scaup, Lesser / Scoter, Surf / Teal, Blue-Winged / Wigeon, American / Wood Duck
Geese — Brant / Canada Goose / Snow Goose
Swans — Mute Swan / Tundra Swan / Trumpeter Swan
Woodpeckers (Piciformes) — Downy Woodpecker / Hairy Woodpecker / Pileated Woodpecker / Red-Bellied Woodpecker / Red-Breasted Sapsucker
Carnivores (Carnivora)
Bears — Black Bear / Grizzly Bear (Captive)
Canines — Coyote / Fox, Arctic (Captive) Fox, Red / Grey Wolf (Captive)
Musteloidea — Mink / Otter, North American River / Otter, Sea / Raccoon / Wolverine (Captive)
Pinnipeds — California Sea Lion / Harbor Seal / Northern Elephant Seal / Steller Sea Lion
Cetaceans — Gray Whale / Harbor Porpoise / Fin Whale / Humpback Whale / Killer Whale, Bigg’s (Transient) / Killer Whale, Southern Residents / Minke Whale
Ungulates — Bison / Caribou (Captive) / Deer, Mule / Deer, White-Tailed / Deer, White-Tailed (Piebald) / Elk, Rocky Mountain / Moose / Pronghorn / Wild Boar (Captive)
Rodents (Rodentia) — Beaver / Chipmunk / Chipmunk, Yellow-pine / Marmot, Yellow-bellied / Muskrat / Nutria / Porcupine, North American / Squirrel / Squirrel, Albino
Barnacles — Gooseneck Barnacle
Crab — Dungeness Crab / Hermit Crab, Pacific Hairy / Red Rock Crab / Porcelain Crab / Shore Crab, Purple / Shore Crab, Yellow
Isopods — Eelgrass Isopod
Shrimp — Red-banded Transparent Shrimp
Hexapods — Bee / Butterfly / Dragonfly / Moth
Cnidarians — Coral / Jellyfish / Sea Anenome
Echinoderms — Sand Dollar / Sea Cucumber / Sea Star, Ochre / Sea Stars (Various) / Sea Urchin
Cephalopods — Cuttlefish / Octopus, Giant Pacific / Octopus, Pacific Red / Squid, Opalescent Inshore
Gastropods — Black Garden Slug / Lewis’ Moon Snail / Nudibranchs / Various Snails
Frogs — American Bullfrog / Northern Leopard Frog / Northern Red-Legged Frog / Spring Peeper
Salamanders + Newts — Rough-Skinned Newt / Spotted Salamander
Freshwater Fish — Kokanee, Lake Sammamish / Trout, Rainbow / Salmon, Chinook / Salmon, Chum / Salmon, Coho / Salmon, Pink
Marine Fish — Common Mola / Flounder, Starry / Gunnel, Saddleback / Pacific Hake / Pacific Sanddab / Pacific Sand Lance / Plainfin Midshipman / Salmon, Chinook / Salmon, Chum / Salmon, Coho / Salmon, Pink / Sculpin, Pacific Staghorn / Sculpin, Tidepool / Sole, Rock
Chelan County — Lake Chelan State Park
Clallam County — Cape Flattery / Deer Park Road / Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge / Ediz Hook / Elwha River / Hurricane Ridge / Olympic National Park / Port Angeles / Quillayute River / Rialto Beach / The Salmon Cascades
Grays Harbor County — Grayland Beach State Park / Grays Harbor National Wildlife Refuge / Griffiths-Priday State Park / Twin Harbors State Park / Westport
Island County — Ala Spit County Park / Cama Beach State Park / Camano Island State Park / Crockett Lake / Deception Pass State Park / Deer Lagoon / Dugualla Bay / Dugualla State Park / Ebey’s Landing / English Boom Trail County Park / Fort Casey State Park / Fort Ebey State Park / Iverson Trail Preserve / Joseph Whidbey State Park / Possession Point State Park / South Whidbey State Park
Jefferson County — Fort Worden State Park / Hoh Rainforest / Hood Canal / Olympic National Park / Ruby Beach
King County — Alki Beach / Ballard Locks / Cedar River Trail Park / Duwamish River / Flaming Geyser State Park / Juanita Bay Park / Juanita Beach Park / Magnuson Park / Mercer Slough / Saltwater State Park / Sammamish River
Kitsap County — Point No Point
Kittitas County — Gold Creek Pond / Teanaway River
Okanogan County — Brown Lake / Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest
Pacific County — Willapa National Wildlife Refuge
Pierce County — Commencement Bay / Dash Point / Mt Rainier National Park / Point Defiance / Ruston Way
Skagit County — Fidalgo Island / Fir Island / Kukutali Preserve State Park Heritage Site / Padilla Bay / Samish Flats / Skagit Bay Estuary / Skagit River / Skagit Wildlife Area / Washington Park / Wiley Slough
Snohomish County — Edgewater Beach Park / Edmonds Waterfront / Howarth Park / Jetty Island / Kayak Point / Mountain Loop Highway / Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest / Mukilteo Lighthouse Park / North Creak / Picnic Point / Port Susan / Snohomish River Delta / Spencer Island
Spokane County — Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge
Thurston County — Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge
Whatcom County — Baker Lake / Birch Bay State Park / Drayton Harbor / Mt Baker / Mt Shuksan / Nooksack River / North Cascades National Park / Semiahmoo Spit
Yakima County — Oak Creek Wildlife Area / Sheep Lake