One of a Kind Finds

Limited Editions, Seconds, Tests, Thrifted Prints, and more!

Welcome to our fun little experimentation side of the shop!

This is where we get to play around, try new things, and offer unique items in the process. The extra little bonus of ordering these items is that since they’re already created they usually ship very quickly, oftentimes the same day, so if you’re in a rush or need a quick gift this is a great place to check.

Since these items are usually one-of-a-kind or created in very limited quantities they tend to get scooped up quickly.

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If you have any questions at please reach out via our contact page or directly at

Seconds + Tests

In the name of sustainability we always want to find homes for everything we create, even if there’s something a little bit wonky with it, so we offer our 2nds/irregulars/tests/misprints in very limited quantities at a steep discount, but printed with the same amount of heart.

Seconds are offered for various reasons. Sometimes they've been slightly misprinted, either using too much ink or too little ink. Sometimes they got too friendly with their neighbors while drying and have a touch of ink somewhere it shouldn't be. Sometimes there's a factory error with the stitching that we didn’t catch before printing. Sometimes they're a test print or a test product that's printed perfectly, but we decided to change the final design/product slightly. The irregularities in these prints are very slight and generally the error doesn't quite pass our picky quality control check, but they're also too good for us to justify taking them home ourselves (bummer for us!). Seconds are a bit of a fun grab bag and we love them for that.

Thrifted Prints

In the spirit of being mindful of our environmental impact we like to give new life to gently used items by printing them and letting them with our favorite designs. Each thrifted print is truly one of a kind and, without a doubt, the most sustainable way we print.

Most of our thrifted items have been sourced locally around Puget Sound. We then wash them thoroughly so they’re ready for printing and hand print them with durable, non-toxic, water or algae-based fabric ink so they’re ready to be loved for years to come.