Breakfast with a Bald Eagle

Story + Photography by Sara Montour Lewis

One of the things that draws me to Puget Sound over and over again is how unpredictable and diverse it is. You never know what’s waiting for you on those shores and this morning was a perfect example of that.

I grabbed my coffee and headed to the water, but before I could even see the shore I heard splashing in the water and crows cawing. As I peaked over the hill I could see a bald eagle in the water, swimming to shore with a fish (that it almost certainly didn’t catch itself; those sneaky little vultures).

I spent the morning watching how it systematically devoured the fish, dodging crow attacks and harbor seal glances while california sea lions swam by on a separate mission and great blue herons ate gunnel after gunnel next to us.

The Sound is full of surprises.


Sara Montour Lewis

Sara is a photographer and is the founder of Our Wild Puget Sound. If she isn't busy working behind the camera you'll inevitably find her kayaking on the Sound, checking for chicken eggs in her backyard, or exploring the vast expanse of the Puget Sound Watershed tracking down the details for our next story.

Connect with her online: Website — Instagram — Twitter


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